Site Development

Just starting out? We’re here to help. We’ll walk you through a concise series of questions to determine the best strategy for featuring your business, product(s), or blog on the web, help you register a domain name (the online ‘address’ where internet users can access your website), then work up a mock site for your review.

Already have a site and want it updated for a different purpose or ‘look’? Let’s work together to restructure or re-code your site, then review it to make sure it reflects your new ideas.

Once you’re satisfied, we’ll build a ‘live’ site for you so you’ll know exactly what the site looks like on all screen sizes and will all the ‘bells-and-whistles’ you want or need.

This ‘review – mockup – final site’ process usually takes about a month, depending on our work schedule. Of course, a complicated site with many separate parts/features/pages takes somewhat longer . . . just so you know.

Site Skills

We’re ready with multiple techniques and coding methods to work up your site.

Typically, we use WordPress and a theme we select with you that suits your needs. We can also start with a blank page and, line by line, code up a website that includes a layout, features, functions, and images you want.

Of course, any WordPress site has it’s own basic CMS (content management system) so you can adjust certain parts and pages of your site. We’ll tutor you to the degree you want so you can use the WP CMS to your advantage.

If we build a site ourselves, we can add a CMS system you’ll be able to handle, if that’s your bag.

Site Hosting

Any domain / website needs to be ‘hosted’, ie., stored on a hosting server, to show up online. There are many hosting service providers, and each offers several hosting types, from shared hosting (many sites on a shared server), virtual private server (exclusive, non-shared space on a server), and dedicated server hosting (renting a server just for your domain/website), and we’ll work with you to find the service and service type that best serves your needs and budget.

If you choose to manage aspects of your site via your host’s ‘panel’, we’ll tutor you on the chores and features of your hosting service.

Keep in mind that untutored futzing with your site host’s panel can cause your site to appear strangely . . . or disappear completely. Be cautious, and make sure you’re confident in your skills to tackle this kind of adjusting.